

A Calling All Skaters Discipleship Training School is a five or six-month program where skateboarders 18 and over are trained as missionaries and sent into the mission field. 



UPCOMING SCHOOLS: (click to learn more) 


What is a DTS?

A Discipleship Training School and is part of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) one of the largest Christian Missions organizations in the world. It brings students from all over the world together to passionately pursue their relationship with God, to be trained for missions and to go to the nations to serve Christ and share His love. You live together, learn together, serve together and grow together as a community.


The Calling All Skaters DTS is different from a regular YWAM DTS in that we focus on reaching out specifically into the skate culture. Our staff, the places we live, the local outreaches we do, the teachers we invite, the way we learn, the focus of our intercessory prayer and the ministries we work with internationally are all tailored to our vision to represent Jesus Christ in the skateboarding culture.

The DTS is 5 or 6 months long and is split into "lecture phase" and "outreach" phase in a different country.


Weekly Schedule

A typical week in lecture phase includes:

  • 12 hours of transformational teaching

  • 3 hours of intercession together

  • 2 hours of worship

  • 5 hours of individual "Quiet Time"

  • 8 hours of "Work Duty" (Helping prep and clean up meals, clean facilities, build stuff, serve other ministries)

  • 8 hours of local outreach at skateparks and working with other skate ministries

  • Weekly attendance at a local church

  • And lots of skateboarding, photography and video-making


International Outreach

After lecture phase, the team goes on a 2- or 3-month outreach. It is a chance to apply what was learned in lecture phase and boldly minister in the global skate scene.

All of our short-term outreaches are part of long-term initiatives with our partners globally. Our goal is to spend this time alongside existing ministries and help them in their work.  

Lecture Topics and Speakers

We have a lineup of outstanding international and interdenominational speakers teaching in the Calling All Skaters DTS as well as special sessions by influential figures in skateboarding.

Speakers May Include: Brian Sumner, Christian Hosoi, Uriel Luebcke, Jud Heald, Mike Steinkamp, Shawn Mandoli, Aaron Morgan and more.


Teaching topics may include:

  • The Nature and Character of God

  • Evangelism and Missions

  • Reaching the Skate Culture

  • Spiritual Warfare

  • Pioneering a Skate Ministry

  • The Holy Spirit

  • Biblical World View

  • Spiritual Authority

  • Identity and Destiny

  • Bible Study - Inductive Method


What can I do after a DTS?

The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is the first course on the path to a degree with University of the Nations (U of N) and a prerequisite for all other courses. Completion of a Calling All Skaters DTS is worth 20 credits with the U of N. For more information on YWAM visit www.ywam.org.

By completing the Calling All Skaters DTS you will be eligible to:

  • Apply for a secondary school at any YWAM base (such as the School of Biblical Studies / School of Ministry Development)

  • Apply for Calling All Skaters staff or any other staff position in YWAM internationally

  • Join Calling All Skaters ministries, special projects, trips and outreach trips

  • Become a long-term missionary with our international skate ministry partners


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Who can apply?

You need to be at least 18 years old or have graduated from high school. There is no age limit, meaning you can't be too old.


Can girls join?

Yes! We have had female students in most of our schools. They love it. We love it. Come do it!



Do I have to be good at skateboarding?

No. The Calling All Skaters DTS is for all levels of skaters who want to be sold out for Jesus, to intensely pursue their relationship with God, to serve Him fully and to reach out to other skaters and communities with the love of Christ. If you have a heart for the skate community and can skate well enough to get from place to place on team outings, come join our crew. Also, if you have video editing or media skills, you will have the opportunity to help us create skate media to influence the global skate culture.

What if I don't have the money?

Apply anyway. We'll join you in prayer and believe God to do a miracle. Over the years we've seen God provide hundreds of thousands of dollars for people who did not have the money and had no way of getting the money. If God is leading you to do the Calling All Skaters DTS, He will provide. Do the possible and let God do the impossible. You need to SEEK God, PRAY fervently, WORK a job, SAVE money, be PLUGGED IN with a church, SERVE the church, GIVE to others, and COMMUNICATE as much as you can with as many people as you can about what you feel God is calling you into. People want to get involved with what you're doing; they want to help!



Is Someone Getting Paid For This?

No. Nobody gets paid.  Our income comes from the generous support of people in the body of Christ who believe in what we're doing and want to be a part of it. Each staff raises his or her own support.



Watch a Documentary About the DTS Experience: