DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING SCHOOLS: Be trained up as a skateboarding missionary and sent to the nations.
- For post high-school-age skateboarders
- 5-6 months long
- 2-3 months of outreach in another country
- Be discipled by other skateboarders
- Live in community and fellowship with Christian skaters from around the world
- Get vision for how to reach the skate culture and direction on starting skate ministries
THRASH PROGRAMS: We're convinced this is sickest thing high-school skaters could be doing during summer, winter or spring breaks.
- For high-school-age skateboarders
- 1-2 weeks long
- Be discipled by Calling All Skaters staff
- Get a taste of the CAS vision and culture
- Shred famous skate spots and parks in one of the world's biggest skateboarding cities